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Pre-launch initiatives

Diva Staking is still under development, but you can already support its launch.

Good to know

DIVA tokens are currently non-transferable. Join the initiative for potential DIVA allocations.

TVL commitments are important, because they attract Liquid Stakers, Operators and facilitate integrations. The Diva Staking DAO has created vaults, each meeting the diverse needs of the Diva community:

Early StakersTurbo divETHBased ETH
Powered byEnzymeSommelierReserve
SponsorsAvantgardeSeven SeasReserve
Deposit assetETH for ETH vault
stETH (and ETH) for stETH vault
Balancer Pool token rETH/ETH
cbETH, wstETH, ETH
TypePassiveActiveLST Index
Initiative focusConvert ETH / stETH to Diva’s LST divETH at launchPre-launch: deposit in AURA and compound rewards
Post-launch: convert part of the funds into Diva’s LST divETH and run LP
strategies on various DEXes
Increase accessibility by accepting deposits of LSTs on the Base L2. 
Depositors can use the bsdETH receipt token in the Base DeFi ecosystem.
DIVA token accrual start date30 days before mainnet30 days before mainnet30 days before mainnet
DIVA token accrual duration183 days total (i.e. 5 more months after mainnet)365 days total (i.e. 11 more months after mainnet)183 days total (i.e. 5 more months after mainnet)
DIVA token accrual ratestarting at 2.5 DIVA / ETH / daystarting at 2.5 DIVA / ETH / daystarting at 2.5 DIVA / ETH / day
Cap100k ETH20k ETH20k ETH
Tranche system (aka queue)10 tranches of 10k ETH each with declining DIVA token allocation10 tranches of 2k ETH each with declining DIVA token allocation10 tranches of 2k ETH each with declining DIVA token allocation

Help Diva Staking launch successfully​

The vaults aim to accelerate the launch and adoption of Diva Staking by helping to:

  • Gain confidence that the protocol and DIVA are widely adopted
  • Distribute voting power to participants according to their commitments
  • Plan node operator capacity and DeFi integrations ahead of launch

This ultimately helps balance and decentralize the Ethereum staking ecosystem by promoting diversity to its LST landscape and embracing the future of DVT technology.