📄️ 🗳️ - Stakers
Liquid Stakers can deposit ETH to receive divETH, a token that automatically accrues any ETH Staking Rewards generated over time.
📄️ 👨💻 - Operators
Operators on Diva must lock ETH, divETH or wdivETH as collateral and operate at least a Node to secure the Ethereum network and earn additional Operator Rewards. By correctly performing their validation duties, Operators receive divETH rewards, including both the standard staking rewards and additional Operator-specific rewards. However, if they fail in their duties or misbehave, they risk penalties that could reduce their locked divETH.
📄️ 🖥️ - Nodes
Diva Nodes are the binary clients run by Operators using their own hardware to participate in Ethereum staking through the Diva Staking protocol. Each node coordinates with other nodes in the network to perform validation tasks in a decentralized manner.
📄️ 💠 - Validator pools
In Diva Staking, a pool represents a distributed validator operated by multiple nodes.
📄️ 📝 - Diva Smart Contracts
The Diva Smart Contract suite is a set of Ethereum-based contracts that orchestrate the Diva Staking protocol. These contracts coordinate the network's state, manage the flow of ETH between participants, and ensure the protocol operates securely and transparently. Some of the key components of the contracts are: